Friday, February 8, 2008

Journal #1 Intro Letter

My name is Jennifer Clottu and I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I have lived all over San Diego. I grew up in Bay Park and went to School of the Madeleine through the eigth grade and then my parents moved us to Poway. I went to Poway High School and played volleyball. Once I graduated I moved up to San Luis Obispo by myself and went to Cuesta Junior College. I did not last long up there and moved back after my first semester. I don't think I was not ready to be away from home and missed San Diego. I came back and went to every junior college in San Diego until I finally transferred to Cal State San Marcos. I worked every night at Donovans through school and lived in Pacific Beach which was a lot of fun. I graduated with a literature and writing degree and always wanted to pursue my teaching credential but wanted a break from school. So I entered the work force and have been an account executive for 3 different banks in the last five years. I enjoy sales but am ready for a change.

I have always loved computers and technology. I was lucky to have a computer when I was young and always seemed to be exploring and learning on it. It has helped me to be technologially savvy in school and in the work force. I use a computer every day and it is an essential tool that I use for my job. I also use the internet for convienence too. I use it to shop, do research, stay in contact with friends and to chat with my husband throughout the day. I bought a mac laptop about a year ago and cannot believe I did not have one sooner because it is so cool. I still use a PC for work so I am able to go back and forth but I love the mac for different reasons than I use the PC. I really enjoy itunes, iphoto and iweb. It allows me to be creative and it allows me to make my own website and manage my photos. I am currently using an older version of word on both the mac and pc so I have not had difficulty switching over to the newer version yet.

I am very excited to be in the credential program here at Cal State San Marcos and am even more thrilled to be a teacher soon. One of the reasons I chose to get my credential here is because of the mission statement of the college of education. I am determined to become an educator that makes a difference and transforms education through my work. I will be able to do that by incorporating technology into all aspects of teaching in the classroom. By incorporating technology, I will better prepare my students for the real world and they will have a lot of fun during the learning process!