Friday, February 8, 2008

Journal #1 Intro Letter

My name is Jennifer Clottu and I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I have lived all over San Diego. I grew up in Bay Park and went to School of the Madeleine through the eigth grade and then my parents moved us to Poway. I went to Poway High School and played volleyball. Once I graduated I moved up to San Luis Obispo by myself and went to Cuesta Junior College. I did not last long up there and moved back after my first semester. I don't think I was not ready to be away from home and missed San Diego. I came back and went to every junior college in San Diego until I finally transferred to Cal State San Marcos. I worked every night at Donovans through school and lived in Pacific Beach which was a lot of fun. I graduated with a literature and writing degree and always wanted to pursue my teaching credential but wanted a break from school. So I entered the work force and have been an account executive for 3 different banks in the last five years. I enjoy sales but am ready for a change.

I have always loved computers and technology. I was lucky to have a computer when I was young and always seemed to be exploring and learning on it. It has helped me to be technologially savvy in school and in the work force. I use a computer every day and it is an essential tool that I use for my job. I also use the internet for convienence too. I use it to shop, do research, stay in contact with friends and to chat with my husband throughout the day. I bought a mac laptop about a year ago and cannot believe I did not have one sooner because it is so cool. I still use a PC for work so I am able to go back and forth but I love the mac for different reasons than I use the PC. I really enjoy itunes, iphoto and iweb. It allows me to be creative and it allows me to make my own website and manage my photos. I am currently using an older version of word on both the mac and pc so I have not had difficulty switching over to the newer version yet.

I am very excited to be in the credential program here at Cal State San Marcos and am even more thrilled to be a teacher soon. One of the reasons I chose to get my credential here is because of the mission statement of the college of education. I am determined to become an educator that makes a difference and transforms education through my work. I will be able to do that by incorporating technology into all aspects of teaching in the classroom. By incorporating technology, I will better prepare my students for the real world and they will have a lot of fun during the learning process!


elhhill said...

Hi Jenny! I cannot believe you were an account executive. I was too for about two years. Prior to that I worked inside as a Funder and Doc Drawer. I made the commute from Corona to the OC for two years, fought the 91 and I was over it. I went into sales and thats how I met my husband! I know from personal knowledge you said you were pregnant. How are you feeling? I know, its hard with the first one, but afterwards, you will be a pro. See this time around I have not really felt sick at all but I do have the prego tired's? Are you getting that? I know it sucks but find a prenatal you like and you will start to feel great. If I might I would reccommend taking 'flaxseed oil' its great for fetal lung, heart and brain development. I am excited you are in this class too!

Christian said...

Whats up Jenny... I know exactly how you feel, getting sick of the business/sales world. I always enjoyed it too, but got burnt out really quick. I think teacher will be a great change of pace, and a much more rewarding career.

Anonymous said...

Jenny- working and going to school is tough, a break probably was a good choice to avoid burn out. Didn't you feel so proud of yourself after you finally graduated and didn't have to pull night shifts anymore? :) I think that is a common theme among students who had to work while in school. But now we have to work to pay student loans :(

ashleyparks said...

Cute background. Where did you get it from? I don't think I saw it. I didn't know that you went to Cuesta. I loved living in San Luis Obispo. Even though you left to return to San Diego, I'm sure San Luis was at least a little fun. I can relate to working and going to school. It gets tiring. Good luck in the teaching credential program!

Jessie Bi said...

Hi Jenny,I like your story very much. You have very positive attitude toward life and work. I like it. I am glad we will be in the same boat to start our teaching credential program. Nice to meet you.

MathTutor said...

Jenny, great job on your Intro letter! You were very complete and yet succinct. I, too, admire your attitude toward the challenges you will face in the COE. I, too, was exposed early on to computers, with my dad taking me to my first computer trade show when I was in 5th grade. I've since gone to all kinds of conventions and trade shows over the years--it really helps in keeping abreast of new developments. May I recommend making it to the next National Educational Computing Computing Conference, sponsored by ISTE? I really enjoyed the one in 2006. Check it out: