Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Journal #10

For this journal posting I read the article entitled, Disabled Bodies, Able Minds: Giving Voice, Movement, and Independence to the Physically Challenged by Diane Curtis which discusses the technology that has been developed to assist students that are not phisically mobile in being active and participating in school activities and events. This article is extremely relevant and can help me as a future teacher in many ways. There are so many resources out there that can help me provide assistance to students and enhance their learning and ability to participate in learning to the fullest. By students being able to function in the classroom more independantly they get an enhanced confidence and will want to learn more and be more involoved. An example of this in a classroom setting that the article discussed is the use of technology and computers for students to take their own notes and communicate through typing their thoughts.

How will I use technology to assist students with special needs?

Through differentiating lesson plans I will make visuals and communication avaialble to students with special needs. If they cannot communicate or need modifications in assignments I will be aware of this and make lessons reflect their needs as well.

What do schools need to do to provide students with special needs the technology to be successful in school?

Schools need to be aware of the technology that is available to them and include this in the budget and always increase the tools that they can provide for students with special needs.